Friday, December 23, 2011


If there is something:

Human life begins slowly and memories take time to start forming. Humans don't experience time before they were born and it remains a mystery of where they were when it happened. Humans inevitably die and where they go is a mystery after that. Science says that the "life" of the universe follows a similar path to that of life on earth. Before the big bang there was something that existed without time (everything?) that suddenly set off in a big bang and what we know as the universe expanded faster than the speed of light and is still expanding this very day. The universe is accelerating at a slower and slower speed and will inevitably reverse the process and head back inward until it becomes nothing, or everything. The Universe is all that exists with a specific starting and ending point.

If there is everything:

The odds that everyone exists and is doing precisely what they are doing now is basically 0. And the odds that of all the time in the universe the current time happens to be now, the relatively blink of a moment I (a system of particles) have the ability to think are also next to none.
If this universe, and time are infinite, and all matter/energy are conserved, the particles that make up what we know as self will live on forever through infinite time and infinite situations, dispersing and mixing into life, elements, energy, and everything in between/yet-to-exist.

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