Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jump The Giant

If I were to prod and startle a giant
Who would jump first? He? Or I?
With his head so high in the sky
With his head so high in the sky
I couldn't reach higher even if i could fly.
He's got the height advantage;
The only advantage.
And I'm down here
Lost in his shadow of fear
Knowing I can't be a giant until I've jumped higher than a few.
What to do?
What to do?
If I can't rise high
I'll surely die.
What to do?
What to do?
I guess my place is in the giants stew.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Upon a Speck

And we're nothing but a speck
upon a speck
upon a speck
upon a speck
upon a speck
and what's special about a speck?

Well if that speck
knows it's a speck
upon a speck
upon a speck,
well then that's pretty special
for a speck
upon a speck

Friday, December 23, 2011


If there is something:

Human life begins slowly and memories take time to start forming. Humans don't experience time before they were born and it remains a mystery of where they were when it happened. Humans inevitably die and where they go is a mystery after that. Science says that the "life" of the universe follows a similar path to that of life on earth. Before the big bang there was something that existed without time (everything?) that suddenly set off in a big bang and what we know as the universe expanded faster than the speed of light and is still expanding this very day. The universe is accelerating at a slower and slower speed and will inevitably reverse the process and head back inward until it becomes nothing, or everything. The Universe is all that exists with a specific starting and ending point.

If there is everything:

The odds that everyone exists and is doing precisely what they are doing now is basically 0. And the odds that of all the time in the universe the current time happens to be now, the relatively blink of a moment I (a system of particles) have the ability to think are also next to none.
If this universe, and time are infinite, and all matter/energy are conserved, the particles that make up what we know as self will live on forever through infinite time and infinite situations, dispersing and mixing into life, elements, energy, and everything in between/yet-to-exist.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Beauty in Meaninglessness

There may be no meaning of life, no one knows if we maintain consciousness after death, and we may be composed of particles that act randomly due to rules that when applied over billions of years formed this, this that is just another small piece of the whole inevitable chain of events of the universe, but at least we are beautiful. Beautiful since the "self" that our code functioning particles collectively form is a complex self-aware part of the universe; we can think, observe, and learn our self.

The Void of Reason Beyond the Door of Meaninglessness

What am I going to do once I’ve opened up the door? I thought as I opened up the door.

When I closed the door behind me, the question had still not been resolved. There was no point of me walking through the door. I thought. But there’s even less of a point for me to go back through the door since I have just gone through it and am not facing in its direction. So I continued walking.
This walking is nice, but it does seem rather pointless, I could be spending this time doing something more. I stopped walking, but the eerie stillness gripped me quite immediately and I began to walk again.

I wasn’t walking in a straight line, but I took special care to make sure I wasn’t going in circles.
Some lights started flashing, competing against each other to reel me in. That light is certainly the brightest and most interesting. I thought as I began to wander toward it.
But then another light hit me. Hard. What was that? I thought as I spun around to face the direction of the pain. There was a large yellow light staring at me, grinning. Then it vanished to be replaced by a red light and I was hit again.
Before I had a chance to react, the light became yellow again and without knowing why I began to swiftly make my way to it.
Every once in a while the light would change and hit me again, but I knew that there was also a peaceful side to the light, and that’s what I was drawn to.
I didn’t realize that every other light was always peaceful, or if I did I didn’t rationally process it. Past that meaningless door lies a void of reason, one just does or does not. So I continued jogging to the only light that had every hurt me because it was unique and offered freedom from itself.
After hours of walking toward the attitude shifting light, I began to grow tired of its antics. Why did it have to keep hurting me? And again, I was flooded with meaninglessness. Why am I walking towards it anyways? What am I going to do once I’ve reached the light?
Because I couldn’t answer I stopped moving.
And I stood there...
For a while...
Until I began to come aware of the inherent meaninglessness of doing nothing.

And then I moving in a direction I didn’t even know was possible.
I was moving through myself.