Sunday, April 22, 2012

We for one of One

They are the workers,
simple time programed lives,
and quick aiding deaths.

I am the product.

I grow in the brain;
where they provide the canvas,
but it's color by number.

And they are we.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

wholes and their Whole

Consciousness is the border between oneself and allelse. We are only keenly aware of what goes on to and from our systematic body because of the sorting coherence of the brain. Allelse is fundamentally no different than us, matter and energy universally behave the same, allelse just doesn't posses any sort of consciousness we know of, so we think we are not it. We also think we are not one another, we feel our oneness is our individual selves, when really (relatively) this is only our partness of everything. Everything is one. And we are a part of this everything. We do not feel more than this collective consciousness because "feeling" and "consciousness" are both subject to information and organization in and of the brain, and our brains do not directly join with others using the brain format. Between two brains there are always brainless materials. So we resort to communication to exert our influence over each other and work toward our fundamental oneness. We can choose to behave like an individual, a one, or we can choose to serve the much larger one, the one we are all a part of. Both happen.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pure Expression for a Collective Thought

Self expression is vital to a person's mental health. Each human has their own relative universe concocted by their experiences and understandings, and we are only keenly aware of our point of perception. We must learn to communicate with others as accurately as possible to express and discuss to form collective understandings of everything. Without honest and accurate expression, one's individually perceived universe is isolated among a sea of other individual universes. We as individuals have many tendencies to misthink; that is, to make errors of logic, form biases, not understand, etcetera. An ideal collective thought formed through shared expressions would have been examined and tested from many different points of perception and thus more likely to accurately depict the actual universe; the one from no viewpoint.

A collective thought like this could exist in pure form if humans would be polite in conversation yet not afraid to rationally ponder contradicting statements.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Percieved Poles (Yet Relatively Quite the Same)



It's just a head rush

Jolts of flowing brain creations
Unleashed to of and from myself

If clear
A state I'm glad to be near
Know we flow with the flow of allself and all else.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Critique of 'Death'

Death exists.
This is one of our few certainties.
The uncertainties pour in when asked to define death. Many people can't. Those who can usually do so through explanations based on faith, because there is no evidence. Some look at the lack of evidence of existence after death as evidence that there is no existence after death.

We are scared of death.
Another certainty.
We may not know what comes after death, but we have suspicions that it isn't this. And this is.
And 'after death' could not be at all. Or it could be different.

Either way, there could be no harm in sticking around.
Fear of death seems to go beyond the evolutionary explanation that we exist because we have the drive to keep existing. Logic based on evidence confirms that it is indeed probably something to attempt to prevent.

What you have just read is fact.
What you are about to read is also fact.
I feel morally obligated to separate these two different types of fact.

I see death as the point where the precariously balanced organic super system that we call life inevitably slows down and disperses. Instead of the containing elements and energies closely bouncing around collectively sending signals, reacting, and 'accomplishing' goals the elements and energies are released and spread across the universe. Acting and reacting to the conditions of everything.
Then come the questions. Is death all that different from life?
In life are we reacting to the same universal constants as our composition does in death? Only in much closer proximity and to an exponentially larger frequency? The matter that composes humans must also be the same matter that composes everything else: they can't act differently.
So is the answer to the question of What is self? the same as the answer to What is everything? Or is there only one truly inclusive question of what, What is?
We is. We may only be able to understand from these hyperactive coded compositions we call bodies when they are functioning, living, but they are made up of the very fabrics that everything is woven with. Whether we be alive or dead, we is.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

If My Senses Reach "Reality"

Every rolling moment i Live!
Acknowledging it brings excitement:
there Is something!

Nothing isn't here,
there is always Something here.
But no one knows of There,
And no one knows if Here is There.

I Love Everything;
for i share its Existence,
we All are of the same Existence

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snap Action into the Parallel Flow

What's to do worth doing?
What's worth doing to do?

I'm done surviving
so easily
that one couldn't really call it surviving at all:
that is;
there are no actions required on my part to keep 'me' going.


Going where?

Going to keep going?

Why should 'I' or anyone care?

Nothing's happening at all
'I' am not in control.
The coded sack of chemical flesh
with everything else does roll.

An equal part
yet for some reason
feels experience from behind these eyes.
Complicated inter-reactions
beyond understanding:
this cannot reason before it cries.

To just love those who feed,
and help when in need.
Get out and around to sow the idea seed.
Is that a life?
Or merely a deed?
Attitude is all that decides if i float on or lead.

If i lead is it freedom?
Or inevitability?
I'll end picking worms
off that indeterminable tree.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Upon Waking; The Quest

Where are yesterday's pants?
Where is yesterday at all?
They morph into today's mystery.

Help yourself tomorrow, today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Demonoid Defense Dictator (Thisfit Drifts)

What is it? What does it mean? Why did the artist put the effort into making this? Does the meaning apply only to the artist? Does the meaning apply to everyone? Does the meaning apply to me? Is it bad if it applies to me? Why is there no description other than an irritating guess at what my thoughts are as I try to dissect the sketch?